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Advertising Policy
Annual Meeting, Mississippi Department of Education and MSHA
Annual Financial Review
Financial Policy on Check Signing
Conference: Executive Board Reimbursement
Conference: Exhibit Coordination
Conference: Honors Event
Conference: Hotel Details
Conflict of Interest
Contracted Services
Dues Discount Policy for New Professionals
External Research Support Policy
Insurance Purchases
Investment Procedures
Job Descriptions of Executive Board Members and Committee Chairs
Legislative Day at the Capitol Policy
Lifetime Membership Policy
Management Firm Contract
Nominations and Elections to Office
Officer Travel Expectations
Record Retention and Destruction Policy
Request Forms
Eblast Request Form
Travel Reimbursement Form
Mid Year Report
Year End Report
Advertising Policy
- MSHA endorses equal employment opportunity practices and accepts only ads that are not discriminatory on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical handicap.
- The acceptability of an ad for publication will be based upon legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations and must be in keeping with the professional policies of the Mississippi Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- MSHA reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability, even though previously acknowledged or accepted.
- Acceptance of an ad does not imply MSHA’s endorsement of the product or service advertised. MSHA is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement.
- MSHA’s Public Relations/Marketing Committee reviews all ads for efficacy claims and language use. Advertisers making efficacy claims will be asked to provide research data to substantiate the claim.
- Statements about and illustrations of all products must meet professional standards. They must not be deceptive or misleading by either statement or omission, must not disparage others in the ad or on their website, and must not make unsupported claims.
- Products must be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, and they must meet applicable FDA regulations and FTC requirements. Adherence to legal and regulatory requirements concerning the content of advertising is the manufacturer’s responsibility.
- All camera-ready copy, artwork, photographs, and negatives received will be stored for 1 year and then destroyed, unless otherwise specified by the advertiser. MSHA assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged art.
- Advertisers and advertising agencies assume responsibility for the content of their advertisements. Advertisers represent that they are fully authorized and/or licensed to publish the entire contents and subject matter contained in their advertisements including:
- The names, portraits, and/or pictures of living persons;
- Any copyrighted material;
- Any testimonials contained in any advertisement submitted to and published by MSHA.
- Advertiser and agency will also indemnify and save harmless MSHA, publisher, against all loss, liability, damage, and expense of any nature arising out of the copying, printing, or publishing of its advertisement, including without limitation reasonable attorney’s fees resulting from claims or suits for libel, violation of rights or privacy, plagiarism, copyright, and trademark infringement.
- Position specifications stipulated on insertion orders will be treated as a request only and will not be binding on the publication.
- The word “Advertisement” will be placed with copy that in the publisher’s opinion resembles editorial matter.
- Rates, conditions, editorial calendar, and space units may change without notice.
- Advertisements must adhere to the ethical principles and guidelines detailed in the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Code of Ethics and Issues in Ethics Statement, Public Announcements, and Public Statements.
- Speech-language pathologists should not be referred to as therapists, speech therapists, or speech pathologists.
- Speech-language pathologist (pathology) should be written as such, NOT as speech/language pathologist or speech language pathologist without the hyphen.
- To avoid repetition in ad copy, the term clinician may be used when referring to a speech-language pathologist or audiologist.
- Person-first language must be used to identify individuals with disorders (e.g., people who stutter, instead of stutterers).
- Audiologists may not be referred to as Hearing Aid Dispensers.
- Avoid the terms teacher and teaching when referring to the positions or services of speech-language pathologists and audiologists.
- The term specialist may not be used except in the areas of fluency, child/language, and Neurophysiological Intraoperative Monitoring.
- Advertising cannot include phrases such as free CEUs, free ASHA CEUs, or any language implying or suggesting the award of ASHA CEUs at no cost. If a course is being offered for ASHA CEUs, the wording of the course itself or any promotional material announcing that course should not state that the course includes CEUs or includes ASHA CEUs. In this context, includes is synonymous with free.
- The word free may be used when advertising a course with no registration fee. If a course registration is free, but the purchase of an item or items related to the course is required to participate in the course - for example, a book or a device - this must be disclosed in the advertising.
- When an ad references credit being offered, the specific types of CEUs, credit, or hours being offered must be identified. For example, use ASHA CEUs not CEUs; LSLS CEUs not CEUs; or Professional Development Hours (PDH) not hours.
- The acronym “CEU” should not be used to mean “course.” For example, instead of saying New CEUs, say New Courses for ASHA CEUs.
- Advertising is only available on the MSHA website. Ads are posted within 3 business days of submission and payment. Purchase orders are accepted in lieu of immediate payment.
- Advertisements for events (i.e. meetings, continuing education courses) can be purchased no sooner than 3 months before the event date and will be removed within one week following the event.
- Job Opening ads are posted for three months. MSHA is to be notified when the position has been filled.
- All ad copy should be emailed to [email protected] in the format specified on the MSHA website.
- Job Opening Posts
- Members - Free
- Non-members - $100
- Event Advertisements
- Members - Free
- Non-members - $100
- Website Banner Ads
- Members - $400/year or $120/three months
- Non-members - $600/year or $180/three months
Annual Meeting, Mississippi Department of
Education and MSHA
Adopted August 12, 2013
In order to foster a good working relationship with the state department of education, MSHA meets annually with state department officials at the beginning of each school year.
- The Vice-President: School Issues initiates contact with the Director of Special
- Education at the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) during June/July each year to schedule a meeting in late August or early September.
- Other Department of Education personnel included in the invitation are department
- Speech-Language Pathologists, the Bureau Director of Monitoring and Technical Assistance, and the Division Director of Technical Assistance. MSHA Executive Board members asked to attend, in addition to the VP-School Issues, include the President and President-Elect and the ASHA State Education Advocacy Liaison (SEAL). Their participation is not mandatory and will depend on scheduling. The date and time for the meeting provided by MDE will take precedence.
- Since some of the MSHA Officers rotate off the Executive Board (EB) on an annual basis, and since a strong working relationship between MSHA and MDE is deemed essential, a face-to-face introduction each year has been deemed essential. EB members are expected to present a summary of current MSHA positions on policy issues and to extend an offer to assist MDE as appropriate at the meeting. A discussion summary is provided to the EB at the first EB meeting following the meeting with MDE.
Annual Financial Review
Adopted August 12, 2013
Amended November 2, 2015
- To ensure transparency and accountability, a Financial Review shall be undertaken at least every two years and the results made available on the MSHA web site for members to review.
- This review may be omitted, per unanimous vote of the Executive Board.
- RFP for Accounting Firm: Every five years, a Request for Proposals (RFP) is forwarded to a minimum of five accounting firms for a re-solicitation of proposals.
- Selection of Accounting Firm: The responses to the RFP are distributed to the MSHA Executive Board for review and discussion. A vote on the selection should be made in June for a Review of the preceding year’s financial data.
- Notification: All of the firms who responded should be notified as to status (accepted / declined) and arrangements made with the successful proposer for delivery of the MSHA financial records for the preceding year.
- Records Required for Review: These include but are not limited to: Invoices with attached check vouchers; all bank statements including the December statement from the prior year (i.e. December 2010 for a Review of the 2011 records); a statement of interest accrued from all of the Certificates of Deposit; a printed copy of the check register for the preceding year, and a copy of the most current tax return.
- Accountant Questions: There are usually a series of questions that surface during a Financial Review to explain variances in revenue or expense. These are to be answered promptly and accurately and are usually asked of the Executive Director.
- Debriefing Results:
- A draft copy is forwarded to the Executive Director for review and comment and a series of required signatures. If adjustments to the General Ledger are necessary, they are made at this time. Concurrence is requested of the Executive Director.
- A combination verbal and written debriefing is scheduled for several weeks before the Face-to-Face or Conference Call Fall meeting held in September or October, usually at the location of the accounting firm. Attendance is requested of the President, VP-Finance, President-Elect, Past- President and Executive Director.
Financial Policy on Check Signing
- The executive director shall have authorization to sign all checks in the amount of $200.00 or below. (I think the amount should be $500) She will attach a copy of the check stub to the invoice. The check stub will include the name of the recipient, the date, amount, and purpose of the check.
- All checks over $200.00 ($500) will be signed by the Vice President for Finance, unless previous approval has been provided by the Vice President for Finance in writing to the executive director. This process will be used only in the event of an unnecessary delay in paying the invoice or other reason deemed acceptable by the Vice President for Finance. The check stub will be attached to the invoice. The check stub will include the name of the recipient, the date, amount, and purpose of the check.
- Checks over $200.00 may also be signed using the electronic signature of the Vice-President for Finance provided that the Vice President for Finance has approved the signing of the check in writing to the executive director.
- All requests for signage to the Vice President for Finance shall be copied to the members of the executive committee.
- IF a check is voided, the check will have “VOID” written in large letters in ink on the face. VOIDED checks will be kept on file.
- In the event that it is necessary to issue a duplicate check for checks in an amount over $50, the executive director will order a stop payment at the bank on the original check.
In no event will:
- Blank checks be signed in advance
- Checks be made out to “cash”, “bearer,” etc.
Conference: Executive Board Reimbursement
Approved February 11, 2013
Amended January 26, 2016
- The complexity and effort required to manage the MSHA Annual Conference justifies the development of guidelines regarding Conference Committee, Executive Board, and staff participation and reimbursement.
- Reimbursement for direct expenses will be made according to the parameters defined in the Travel Reimbursement Policy. Reimbursement will be made according to annual budgetary stipulations. Special attention should be paid to deleting any request for reimbursement for meals otherwise provided at conference. The host hotel usually provides a complimentary room for the Conference Chair and additional complimentary rooms based on room-nights utilized.
- Conference Chair (and Co-Chair if applicable):
- Room charges, if applicable, are posted against conference expenses and can also be reimbursed for one night before and/or after the conference start date.
- President, Past President, President-Elect and VP-Continuing Education:
- Room charges for the night following the MSHA Board meeting are charged to their individual line item (along with mileage when budget permits and out-of conference meals). Other nights are charged to the conference (since their participation and involvement are essential).
- Registration reimbursement waivers for Continuing Education Credit are made by board decision.
- Other Vice Presidents:
- Room charges for two nights to allow attendance at the MSHA EB meeting and Business Meeting, and out-of-conference meals are charged to their individual line items. Mileage will be reimbursed when the budget permits with the discretion of the presidential committee. No other room nights or meals are provided. MSHA Vice-Presidents are encouraged (but not required) to attend both meetings and may also be called upon to assist with the Conference at the discretion of the Conference Chair or Co-Chair.
- Registration reimbursement waivers for Continuing Education Credit are made by board decision.
- Staff:
- Complimentary rooms provided by the hotel are used for staff members. If none are available, room charges are posted to conference expenses. Out-of conference meals are provided at the prevailing rate unless staff is restricted to the registration room. In that case, a meal can be delivered to that room and reimbursed at the prevailing rate. Attendance is expected from the night before the start of the first session and may include overnight accommodations at the conclusion of the conference. Mileage will be reimbursed when the budget permits with the discretion of the presidential committee.
Conference: Exhibit Coordination
Adopted February 19, 2014
- Regarding the expectations of the MSHA Conference Exhibit Coordinator and the Management Company in support of exhibitors at the MSHA Conference.
- MSHA depends on conference exhibits for revenue and for the information provided to attendees by the exhibitors at conference. Consequently, exhibitor support is an integral part of any MSHA Conference. The Exhibit Coordinator has a very important position and is tasked with ensuring a positive experience for all exhibitors and works in conjunction with the Management Company according to specified roles.
- The exhibitor database is maintained by the Management Company, which is also responsible for ensuring accurate contact information is maintained, as submitted by exhibitors.
- Postcards may be useful on recruiting members to conference. Due to the technological age we are in, it may be fiscally responsible to send electronic invites.
- Acknowledgements are sent to exhibitors upon receipt by the Management Company, and the Exhibit Coordinator is copied with that acknowledgement.
- Some exhibitors may ask for a database of registrants to perform some preliminary marketing outreach. MSHA does not provide any such database to exhibitors, but the Management Company will transmit an appropriate message to registrants on behalf of any exhibitor after approval of that message by the Conference Chair.
- The Management Company, working with the host hotel, ensures there is enough space/tables for the exhibits as contracted and prepares badges according to the names provided by the exhibitors. The Exhibit Coordinator will ensure each exhibitor has a table or booth space and that badges have been prepared by the Management Company and positioned on the specific exhibit table.
- The Exhibit Coordinator may include a diagram of exhibits for publication (usually on the inside back cover) of the Conference Program to assist registrants in locating exhibitors. That listing provides a way to thank exhibitors for their participation and support.
- On the first day of the conference, the Exhibit Coordinator is available to greet the exhibitors, direct them to their location and provide additional support as requested.
- During the conference, the Exhibit Coordinator rotates through the exhibit area to see if there are unmet needs, additional badge requests, etc., and thanks them for attending and participating.
- The Exhibit Coordinator may ask for door-prize donations and makes certain the exhibitors know they are invited to the Honors Reception. Donors are assured of public recognition from the podium.
Conference: Honors Event
Adopted March 25, 2013
- It is the prerogative of the Honors Chair, with concurrence from the MSHA Executive Board, to develop and implement the theme and style of the Honors Event held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. These procedures address the logistics of implementation.
Payment for Event:
- Payment for the room charge, audio-visual requirements and refreshments is covered under Conference Expenses and charged to the Master Account at the host hotel. The budget for the event is developed by the Honors Chair and agreed upon with the Conference Chair. Extras requested by the Honors Chair, such as a piano or DJ, are negotiated separately and contracted with concurrence from the MSHA Executive Board. Checks for payment are requested from the Vice-President: Finance with a copy to the Executive Director. Checks will be available for distribution at the conference.
Door Prize Distribution:
- Solicitation of door prizes is the responsibility of the Conference Chair (usually through the efforts of a separate committee). The Executive Director is responsible for providing split tickets for everyone entering the event and a basket for the actual drawing. The Honors Chair will ensure volunteer staffing to pass out tickets at the entry door. Door prizes will have been stored in the registration area until time to display them at the Honors Event. The Honors Chair will arrange pick-up and display.
Scholarship Prizes:
- In order for checks to be prepared for the scholarship winners, their names need to be provided to the Vice President: Finance, with a copy to the Executive Director, at least a week prior to the Honors Event.
Conference: Hotel Details
Approved August 12, 2013
Amended August 11, 2014
- The process of implementing the conference hotel contracts spans several years and requires extensive coordination between the selected hotel and the MSHA Executive Board members, Conference Chair, and MSHA staff, who will ultimately be responsible for ensuring adequate hotel arrangements are in place.
- Contract Dates: Ideally, contract dates are tentatively booked five years in advance. The difficulty is that dates need to be adapted to reflect Easter Week, Spring Breaks, the AAA conference and Mardi Gras, which may also conflict. Further, the hotel of choice may already be booked for the desired dates. This is an intricate process requiring substantial research. Consequently, it is recommended that the dates be “penciled in” by the hotel and final contracts negotiated a minimum of two years before the actual conference dates.
- Contract Signatures: The contract may be signed by the Executive Director after review and concurrence by the President and the Conference Chair. As soon as the contracts are signed, the dates should be posted on the MSHA web site.
- Hotel Sleeping Rooms: There tends to be a limited number of sleeping rooms available and the conference sleeping rooms normally spill over into nearby hotels. The hotel will provide an” Event Link” for the web site to facilitate booking rooms for registrants. It takes approximately five days for the Event Link to be set-up and posted by the hotel. MSHA Technical Support is responsible for ensuring the link is on the MSHA web site and operational.
- Rooms for presenters (as specified in their signed contract) are booked by the Executive Director. Executive Board members and MSHA staff are encouraged to make hotel sleeping room arrangements following the Face-to-Face Fall Board Meeting. MSHA Executive Board members’ rooms are to be posted to the Master Account and the Executive Director will provide a list of those eligible and the number of nights each is entitled to utilize to the hotel following the Face-to-Face Board Meeting in the fall.
- The room charges and tax for the Instructors, MSHA staff, Conference Chair (and Co-Chair if applicable) are all posted to the MSHA Master Account. Credits deducted for rooms booked (per contract) are then deducted from the Master Account charges prior to hotel preparation of the final invoice. Any upgrades price differentials to rooms are the financial responsibility of the requestor.
- Meeting Room and Banquet Details: These details are worked out by the Conference Chair, or Chair’s designee, and are usually based on past history.
Conflict of Interest
Passed January 14, 2013
Amended November 2, 2015
- Mississippi Speech-Language-Hearing Association will maintain a current file of Conflict of Interest Statements for all MSHA Executive Board members as part of its commitment to transparency and accountability.
Initial Distribution:
- At the Face-to-Face or the Fall Conference Call meeting, the attached Conflict of Interest statement will be distributed or sent electronically for all incoming and renewing MSHA Executive Board members to sign. In the event any of the Executive Board members are absent, an electronic version will be forwarded, to be returned as soon as feasible.
- The signed Conflict of Interest Statements will be retained at the Association Office for the coming year and will then be stored according to the current Records Retention Policy.
- At the beginning of each Executive Board Meeting the President (or designee) will ask if there have been any changes to the existing Conflict of Interest Statements. That question is to be documented in the Minutes as asked and answered.
Tax Return:
- The accountant shall be advised that MSHA has a Conflict of Interest Policy with associated documentation in place and, as such, meets the reporting requirement of Internal Revenue Service regulations.
Contracted Services
Adopted January 14, 2013
POLICY: Regarding MSHA Executive Board Members with contracted services, including but not limited to Lobbyist, Web Site Maintenance, Accountant and Management Firm personnel.
- Contracts: All MSHA Contracted Services specify the scope of work to be performed and reimbursement expectations. (In the case of the accountants, it is referred to as an “Engagement Letter.”)
- Signing Authority: All MSHA Contracted Services agreements should be signed by the MSHA president or his/her designee.
- Reimbursement: A copy of all MSHA Contracted Services agreements should be provided to the Executive Director to ensure timely payment according to the terms specified.
- Interaction with Contracted Services:
- Lobbyist: Only the President or his/her designee is authorized to speak with, instructor interface with the MSHA Lobbyist. It is the responsibility of the MSHA Executive Director to complete the required MSHA lobbyist registrations and reports as required by the Mississippi Secretary of State. Reimbursement for the Lobbyist is on an annual basis, with specific partial payment dates specified in the contract.
- Web Site Maintenance: All submissions for additions or changes to the MSHA web site must be routed through the VP-Marketing and Public Relations and the President. The Web-Master is responsible for maintaining a time log and submitting an invoice for services on a monthly basis, based on a contracted pay scale.
- The Accountant Engagement Letter for the preparation of the tax return outlines the terms and expectations for the submission of documents. The letter is signed by the President or his/her designee. The invoice for the tax return itself is submitted and paid upon completion of the return, based on the number of hours of time spent. The Engagement Letter for the financial review follows the same format, and payment is rendered upon completion of the review. The VP-Finance, Executive Director, President, Past President and President-Elect are all involved in the financial review process, and responses to all email queries from the reviewing accountant are to be copied to all of the above-named officers and staff.
- The terms for the Management Firm are outlined in the Management Firm Contract.
Dues Discount Policy for New Professionals
MSHA will offer a 20% reduction of full membership dues for any new graduate who has met the following criteria:
- Has paid student membership dues two years prior to application for dues discount;
- Has completed a Clinical Fellowship year (CFY) or Externship in the most recent year of application; and
- Has graduated from a Mississippi university.
This discount will be valid for the first year in which the MSHA member is a full member.
External Research Support Policy
Adopted _________ 2014
Regarding MSHA participating in research requests from external sources.
MSHA has been approached by researchers at various academic institutions and by CSAP members to respond to research queries submitted by graduate students, academicians and CSAP leadership in other states.
- Research requests must undergo a preliminary screening by the MSHA President or his/her designee. Consultation with an appropriate Vice-President (Schools, Health, Finance, etc.) is encouraged.
- Once a research request has been substantiated as both applicable and valid, the MSHA President or designee shall develop an explanatory eBlast for distribution to either the MSHA membership or the entire MSHA data base as appropriate. The request itself will be forwarded as an attachment to the eBlast.
- It is the responsibility of the requestors to include a link in the body of the request for participants to respond directly to the researcher. In no case will it be the responsibility of MSHA to tally or collate the responses.
- In the event responses to the research request have been minimal, one more eBlast reminder may be authorized by the MSHA President.
- In no case will the personal data of MSHA members be released to the researcher.
Insurance Purchases
Adopted March 25, 2013
Three kinds of insurance purchases are made annually by MSHA: Directors and Officers, Fiduciary, and Event Liability.
Directors and Officers Insurance:
- This kind of insurance essentially protects the Executive Board from the consequences of litigation tied to allegations of malfeasance or breach of fiduciary responsibility. Usually referred to as D & O Insurance, it is renewed annually, and the premium is re-bid every five years. (As of 2013, this insurance is provided through ASHA by Marsh and costs approximately $300 per year.)
Fiduciary Insurance:
- This insurance is purchased to protect MSHA from the consequences of either the MSHA Treasurer or Executive Director misappropriating funds for personal use. (As of 2013, this insurance is provided through Heiden Brooks and Garland in Jackson, MS, and costs approximately $105 per year.)
Event Liability Insurance:
- This insurance is purchased to protect MSHA from litigation arising from incidents associated with the Annual Conference and is usually a requirement of the host hotel contract. The host hotel is “Addition Named Insured” and is to be notified by the insurance company that MSHA is in compliance with the insurance requirement of the hotel contract. Event Liability insurance should be contracted within six weeks of the event. (As of 2013, this insurance is provided through Fisher Brown Bottrell in Jackson, MS, at an approximate cost of $375.)
Selecting an Insurance Carrier:
- The Executive Director is expected to generate three bids for each type of insurance once every three years. (Event Liability was put out for bid in 2013, D & O should go out for bid in 2014, Fiduciary in 2015, and the rotation continued.) The company that has been providing coverage should be given the opportunity to re-bid the business competitively, but two more insurance brokers should be selected from those available within Mississippi for comparative bids. In some cases, brokers will refuse to bid or not send in a bid, in which case, a selection can be made from the quotes available. Coverage should be comparable and the lowest bid selected.
Investment Procedures
Purpose of the MSHA Investment Policy
- The MSHA Investment Policy is designed to provide guidance for the investment of MSHA funds and to ensure appropriate MSHA Board of Directors oversight and compliance. The goals of the MSHA Investment Policy are to (1) provide liquidity, (2) preserve principal, and (3) maximize returns. Given that these funds are primarily of a fiduciary nature, conservative investment will be practiced at all times (see Section VII).
Procedures for Allocation of Funds
- Overall, MSHA funds will be divided into two categories in order to meet anticipated annual cash flow needs for MSHA operations and to provide long-term investment of remaining funds. The funds are available in three days’ time with no exit fee, eliminating the need for intermediate funds. The two categories of funds include:
Current Operating Funds:
- Defined as funds needed to meet anticipated program and general operating expenditures for the next 1 to 2 months. The objectives of these funds are daily liquidity, preservation of principal and money market returns.
Long-term Investment Funds:
- Defined as funds in excess of current operating funds needs as defined above. The function of these finds is long-term investment of excess operating funds and availability to replenish operating funds as needed. The objectives of these long-term funds in total are to provide the opportunity for growth, protect principal against inflationary risks, and provide a reasonable level of income.
Investment Strategies
- Using the investment vehicles outlined below, the following investment guidelines will be adhered to for each category of funds.
Current Operating Funds:
- 100% Checking, Savings & Money Market Accounts
- These are defined as accounts meeting federally insured requirements or backed by United States government securities and/or obligations.
Long-term Investment Funds:
Aggressive. 1-2%
Emerging Markets funds
Growth. 5-15%
Domestic and international funds small cap
Growth and Income. 30-45%
Domestic and international funds
Income. 40-50%
Income funds balance between short term, international, long term and aggressive income (5% or less)
Cash. 2-5%
US treasuries Three month TR
The above funds are limited to investment in eligible investment vehicles listed below.
Eligible Investment Vehicles
- Current Operating Funds:
- Checking accounts. *
- Market-rate saving accounts. *
- Money market accounts (FDIC or U.S. government securities/obligations).
- Long-term Investment Funds:
- Market-rate saving accounts. *
- Money market accounts (FDIC or U.S. government securities/obligations).
- Certificates of Deposit (maturity of 12 months or less). *
- S. Treasury and Federal Agency obligations.
- Repurchase agreements using U.S. government agencies.
- Bond mutual funds using U.S. government agencies and corporate
- Equity Mutual funds
- Equity and Bond Exchange Traded Funds
- *Only FDIC-insured institutions are eligible
- The MSHA Vice-President Finance will provide oversight of this investment policy. MSHA management will provide a monthly report to the MSHA VP-Finance on the investments, presenting such information as the inventory of investments, net income earned, percentage share of each category of investment, and other information that may be requested by the MSHA VP-Finance.
- In the management of Current Operating Funds, personnel having authority to commit funds are the President, VP-Finance and Executive Director.
- No less than twice annually, the MSHA VP-Finance and Executive Director will review the performance of the portfolio and this investment policy and report those findings to the Executive Board along with any recommended changes deemed necessary.
- The MSHA VP-Finance will use competitive purchasing procedures and advice of professional investment advisors, as may be appropriate, to ensure compliance with this Investment Policy.
- The actual portfolio will be designed by a professional financial management team selected by the MSHA Board of Directors based upon the lowest fee schedule and the soundest plan presented.
General Guidelines and Restrictions
- Given that these funds are of a fiduciary nature and the damage from a large permanent loss would outweigh any potential benefit of a large gain, conservative investment strategies will be practiced. These policies include the concept of diversification.
Additionally, the organization may not:
- Purchase securities on margin.
- Purchase individual equities.
- Make short sales of securities.
- Invest in real estate, commodities, or commodities contracts.
- Directly invest in options, futures, or other derivative securities.
Investment Files
- MSHA management will maintain files containing current information on each investment vehicle
Job Descriptions of Executive Board Members and Committee Chairs
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall preside at all Association business meetings and Executive Board meetings.
- The President may call business meetings and Executive Board meetings as needed.
- The President shall serve one year or until a successor is elected.
- The President shall appoint a Secretary, as needed, for meetings of the Association.
- The president does the following:
- Represents MSHA at legislative activities, specifically MSHA Legislative Day, Student Advocacy event, and any official meetings or events as needed, i.e. Department of Education, Department of Health; etc.
- Oversees conference planning, including program development, hotel contracts, planning meetings, and logistics, i.e. participation in Banquet Event Order meetings and initiation of speaker dinner host and exhibitor assignment lists.
- Participates in the financial review and budget planning meetings of the association, which includes assigning a financial review report to the membership and collaboration in the development and approval of the MSHA Budget.
- Serves as a liaison to ASHA, including timely submission of necessary reports, grant applications, dissemination of information to the members, and other business, i.e.
- completion of ASHA State Profile forms, annual ASHA eblasts; etc.
- Represents MSHA at ASHA Convention and at least one CSAP meeting.
- Plans for future goals and activities of the Association in collaboration of the Executive Board, Committee Chairs, and the Management Firm, via MSHA Board mid-year and annual reports and Strategic Planning research.
- Develops president’s message for a MSHA eblast.
Monthly or alternating months
- Schedule meetings with the Executive Board, Committee Chairs, and management personnel on a schedule that complies with MSHA' s by-laws and which allows the business of MSHA to continue consistently throughout the year. This includes at least one face-to-face meeting at the annual conference. The President sets the schedule for the conference calls and face to face meetings for the year. The president prepares the agendas, which includes at least one face-to-face board meeting and the general business meeting at Conference. The president provides board evaluation of the management firm with reporting at the Management Firm Evaluation meeting and an upcoming board meeting.
- Collaborates with each officer and committee chair to facilitate work of that specific area of the Association.
Weekly or as needed
- Maintain frequent communication with the Executive Director regarding all business of the Association and respond to all requests received via telephone or electronic device.
Officers/Committee Chairs with whom the president most frequently collaborates
- The Past President, President-Elect, Conference Committee Chair and Executive Director are the most frequent collaborators. However, the President maintains regular contact with all VPs and Committee Chairs, as well as the management firm's personnel.
Travel Expectations
- The president is expected to attend all face-to-face MSHA meetings, i.e. conference board and luncheon meeting and at least one CSAP meeting and ASHA Convention, as well as the annual financial review and banquet events orders, budget planning, and management firm evaluation meetings. The president may be expected to attend additional educational or healthcare meetings and events.
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- The President-Elect shall preside at all meetings of the Association in the absence of the President.
- The President-Elect shall assist the Convention Chair with Convention planning duties.
- The President-Elect’s duties are as follows:
- To represent the Association whenever the President is unable to do so
- To act as ex-officio for those committees assigned by the President.
- To prepare goals and objectives for the upcoming year.
- To appoint Chairs for the standing committees of the Association by December 1 of the year preceding that of assuming duties of President.
- To assist the incoming Chairs with preparations of goals.
- To establish dates, times, and places for Executive Board meetings for year of presidency.
- To assist the Convention Chair in with Convention planning duties.
- Serve on speaker planning committee.
- Work with the Executive Director/Management Firm as hotel liaison.
- Plan and execute the Convention Business Meeting for the year of presidency.
Monthly or bi-monthly
- Attend executive board meetings
- Work with conference chairs to put together conference for the upcoming year. This typically starts the month after conference ends and is on-going throughout the year.
- Mid-year report due in June
- Year-end report due in November
- January – Attend Legislative Day
- March/April – Attend MSHA conference
- May – Attend CSAP
- September – Attend BEO/budget review meeting/management firm review
Officers/committee chairs with whom this person most frequently collaborates
- The Past President, President, Conference Committee Chairs, Membership Chair, and Executive Director are the most frequent collaborators. However, the President-Elect has contact with VPs and Committee Chairs as needed, as well as the management firm's personnel.
Travel Expectations
- The president-elect is expected to attend all face-to-face MSHA meetings, i.e. conference board and luncheon meeting and at least one CSAP meeting, as well as the annual financial review and banquet events orders, budget planning, and management firm evaluation meetings. Attending additional educational or healthcare meetings may be expected.
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- Advisor to the President
- Chairman of Nomination’s Committee
- Any other responsibilities assigned by the President
Activities/Timeline (annual, monthly, etc.)
October (year of Presidency)
- Determine offices to be filled at subsequent year’s election
- Establish nominations committee
November/December (year of Presidency)
- Be in discussion with MSHA leadership and nominations committee re: potential nominees
- Communicate with webmaster re: website set up to receive nominations
- Submit MSHA eblast for call for Nominations
- Second notice eblast for Call for Nominations
- Attend Legislative Day at the Capitol
- Prepare slate of nominees
- Obtain nominees’ bios and photos
- Disseminate the information in the manner in which the EB determines is preferable
- Present slate of nominees at the Annual Business Meeting (Current President calls for nominations from the floor and website remains open for additional online nominations until a date shortly after the annual conference closes.)
- Complete mid-year report by July 1
- Attend the annual financial review meeting, if applicable
- Attend the MSHA Budget planning meeting
- Attend the MSHA fall face-to-face Executive Board meeting, if applicable
- Complete end-of-year report by December 15
- *Note: The timeline will need to be adjusted according to the date of the annual conference. The Past President begins the Nominations process at the end of the presidential term dependent on the date of the following year’s conference.
Officers/committee chairs with whom this person most frequently collaborates?
- President
- President-elect
- Executive Director
- Any other offices as designated by the President
Travel Expectations
- Legislative Day
- MSHA Executive Board meeting prior to Conference
- MSHA Conference
- Annual financial review, if applicable
- Fall face-to-face meeting, if applicable
- Any other meetings as designated by the President
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- The VP Audiology position should be the focal point for issues that impact or are of importance to the Audiology membership of MSHA.
- This individual has typically been the committee chair of the Audiology committee.
- As such they convene with this committee at the annual MSHA conference to establish goals that would enhance the profession and set assignments for the coming year.
- They would then provide support for and ensure accountability of assigned tasks that have been agreed upon by the committee.
- The VP Audiology lends support to and serves as a consultant for the Audiology portion of the annual MSHA conference to include recommendations for content and facilitating the acquisition and disposition of presenters.
- The VP Audiology should be a consultant to the webmaster for web site content related to Audiology.
- The VP Audiology is responsible for report writing activities as outlined in the timeline section below.
- The VP Audiology should be involved in activities that promote MSHA and recruit participation in our state association.
Activities/Timeline (annual, monthly, etc.)
- EB call meetings or as scheduled.
- Updates to webmaster regarding audiology news (at a minimum do this quarterly).
- This would include call to action notices from ASHA that impact the Audiology membership.
- Write an update regarding current news and action plans implemented by the Audiology committee. This is submitted to the VP of Public Relations and Marketing.
- This individual will communicate deadlines for each quarterly submission.
- Write a mid-year report in June and a year-end report in December.
Officers/committee chairs with whom this person most frequently collaborates?
- The VP Audiology collaborates most frequently with the President of MSHA, The VP for Healthcare and the VP for Public Relations & Marketing.
- In addition, the VP Audiology communicates frequently with the Audiology committee membership regarding issues of concern or implementation of action plans. The VP Audiology also consults with the conference committee chair regarding Audiology content and participation.
Travel Expectations
- The VP Audiology is expected to attend the annual legislative day in Jackson and the annual face-to-face EB meeting at the annual continuing education conference.
- In addition, this office holder is expected to attend any other called face-to-face EB meetings during the course of the year.
- The responsibilities of the Vice- President of Continuing Education include being an ASHA approved CE provider.
- ASHA Approved CE Providers plan, promote, conduct, evaluate, and continuously improve their continuing education (CE) in accord with the requirements established by the ASHA Continuing Education Board (CEB). ASHA ’s requirements for initial and ongoing ASHA Approved CE Provider status, as well as ASHA’s requirements for the Continuing Education Unit {CEU), are based on the standards developed by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
- Thirty days prior to MSHA ’s annual conference, the Application for Continuing Education Units must be submitted to Mississippi College.
- Fifteen days prior to MSHA‘s annual conference, the Course and Offerings Application must be submitted to ASHA. Following MSHA’s Annual conference, the members electronic continuing education units must be submitted to ASHA.
- Additional responsibilities include attending MSHA ’s two Executive Board Meetings and monthly Executive Board meeting conference calls as well as answering member’s calls and providing needed information.
The Vice President for Finance is charged with:
- Serving as Treasurer of the Association, responsible for fiscal management of the Association's financial operations;
- Serving as the Board liaison and facilitating the operations of the Financial Planning Board, which is charged with reviewing the annual budget of the Association and the relationship between the strategic plan and the annual budgetary allocations; reviewing the Association's financial status and structure by studying alternate proposals of fiscal management; and making recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning Association policies, programs, and activities consistent with the fiscal responsibilities of the Association;
- Monitoring annual income and expenditures;
- Reporting on the financial position of the Association at meetings of the Board of Directors and at other times when called upon;
- Presenting the annual budget to the Board of Directors for approval;
- Chairing the Audit Committee, which is charged with selecting an auditor and reviewing their reports; and
- Ensuring that the Association has established appropriate policies to define and identify conflicts of interest throughout the Association and overseeing the enforcement of those policies.
Primary Responsibilities
- Attend and participate in all meetings of the Executive Board.
- Be informed about the Association's mission, services, policies, and programs.
- Assist the Executive Board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities.
- Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings.
- Represent MSHA on behalf of the President as needed.
- Attend the annual MSHA Convention.
- Review and vote on the Association's budget annually.
- Contribute to a review of the Chief Executive Officer.
- Appoint a Coordinating Committee to consult on financial topics as needed.
- Prepare and present information at meetings on behalf of the Association as needed.
Time Commitment
- Board meetings, and annual conference.
Financial Support
- The Association provides the Vice President for Finance with support in a number of ways: financial support for required functions of the office; assistance with office expenses, including some limited personnel support, and an equipment budget.
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- The summary of tasks include become aware of policy changes in healthcare, nationally, state wide and locally.
- Gaining information from the ASHA network is critical to success.
- As policies change, the updates need to be provided to the healthcare committee, the MSHA executive board and the MSHA members.
- At times, the need to influence policy occurs. Eblast, phone calls, letter, lunches, and setting up training are all part of influencing policy.
- Advocacy for the best services for healthcare clients/patients and the best work environments for the MSHA members is the summary statement for the job description of this office.
Activities/Timeline (annual, monthly, etc.)
- Once or twice monthly I update the healthcare committee.
- I sit on the STAR call when needed.
Travel Expectations
- I plan to attend the HCBI in Minnesota. I will pay my own expenses.
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- Responsible for planning, development and implementation of all of the Organization’s marketing strategies, marketing communications, and public relations activities; both external and internal.
- Oversees the development and implementation of support materials and services in the area of marketing, communications and public relations.
- Directs the efforts of the marketing, communications and public relations and coordinates at the strategic and tactical levels with the other functions of the Organization.
- Principle Accountabilities
- Responsible for creating, implementing and measuring the success of: a comprehensive marketing, communications and public relations program that will enhance the Organization’s image and position within the marketplace and the general public, and facilitate internal and external communications; and, all Organization marketing, communications and public relations activities and materials including publications, media relations, and so forth.
- Ensure articulation of Organization’s desired image and position, assure consistent communication of image and position throughout the Organization, and assure communication of image and position to all constituencies, both internal and external.
- Responsible for editorial direction, design, production and distribution of all Organization publications.
- Coordinate media interest in the Organization and ensure regular contact with target media and appropriate response to media requests.
- Act as the Organization’s representative with the media.
- Help coordinate the appearance of all Organization’s print and electronic materials such as letterhead, use of logo, brochures, etc.
- Ensure that the Organization regularly conducts relevant market research and coordinate and oversee this activity. Monitor trends.
- Leads projects as assigned.
- Planning and Budgeting:
- Recommend short- and long-term Organization goals and objectives to the Executive Board.
- Keep informed of developments in the fields of marketing, communications and public relations, not-for-profit management and governance, and the specific business of the Organization and use this information to help the Organization operate with initiative and innovation.
- Develop short- and long-term plans and budgets for the marketing/communications/public relations program and its activities, monitor progress, assure adherence and evaluate performance.
- Organizational Strategy:
- Work with the Executive Board and Management Firm to: develop and maintain a strategic perspective -- based on marketplace and constituent needs and satisfaction -- in organizational direction, program and services, and decision making; and, ensure the overall health and vitality of the Organization.
- Help make sure that the Organization’s philosophy, mission and vision are pertinent and practiced throughout the organization.
- Develop and coordinate means to seek regular input from the Organization’s key constituencies regarding the quality of programs and services and the Organization’s relevance.
- Help formulate and administer policies to ensure the integrity of the Organization.
- Managing:
- Effectively enable Executive Board, Committee Members and Association Members so they can take action on behalf of the Organization by:
- Transmitting the Organization’s values, vision and direction
- Engaging people in the meaning of the Organization
- Respecting and using the skills, expertise, experience and insights of people
- Providing direction and resources
- Researched other state organizations’ WebPages
- Board Meeting
- Researched other state organizations’ social media pages
- Board Meeting
- Sent out Notices/Emails for article submissions
- Board Meeting
- Sent article for CSAP publication
- Sent out Notices/Emails for article submissions
- Updated Facebook/Twitter pages
- Board Meeting
- Made suggestions for corrections on webpage
- Sent out Notices/Emails for article submissions
- Made suggestions for corrections on webpage
- Board Meeting
- Board Meeting
- Started folder for conference media coverage
- Sent out Notices/Emails for article submissions
- Board Meeting
- Collected information for Conference media coverage
- Year End Report
- Job Description
- Time Line Draft
- Worked on PowerPoint presentation
Officers/committee chairs with whom this person most frequently collaborates?
- The position reports to the President and Executive Board and serves as a member of the Executive Board.
- This position participates with the Executive Board of and Management Firm in charting the direction of the Organization, assuring its accountability to all constituencies, and ensuring its effective operation.
- Within the Organization, the position has primary working relationships with the Executive Board, Management Firm, Public Relations and Marketing Committee Members, and the Membership.
- Outside the Organization, the position coordinates, primarily, with the media
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- Fully understand and support the vision, core values and mission of the organization
- Attend in person, or by conference call, monthly executive board meetings or meetings called by the President
- Coordinate and serve as Ex Officio member of all Association committees and activities related to speech-language-hearing services in the schools
- Conduct the business of the Association; to make decisions, policies, and expenditures
- Maintain, as a member of the Executive Board, the Procedures Manual
- Maintain full membership in the organization
- Monitor the Association’s financial performance
- Develop and monitor short and long range planning and goals
- Represent the Association to the public and private sector; serve as an advocate for the Association
- Abide by the Conflict of Interest policy of the Association
Activities/Timeline (annual, monthly, etc.)
- Attend in person, or by conference call, monthly executive board meetings or meeting called by the President
- Notify membership, through e-blast, of important information for SLP’s in the schools
- Work on projects to improve the quality of speech-language services in the schools
With which officers/committee chairs does this person most frequently collaborate?
- Works closely with the President and President-elect
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- To organize and coordinate the continuing education (CE) conference
- To provide the highest level of professional meetings management for the Association's continuing education conference
- To work with chosen conference committee members to establish acceptable contracts to be approved by the Executive Board and distributed by the Executive Director.
- To lead and delegate conference committee tasks to ensure the incorporation of the following activities into the continuing education conference.
- Have contracts with speakers who will receive honorariums
- Designate personnel to entertain speakers throughout convention
- Designate personnel to ensure appropriate audio-visual equipment
- Prepare program for conference and send to Editor
- Submit Activity form to CEU Chair
- Ensure moderators for each session
- Ensure CEU Verifiers for each session
- Secure exhibitors for conference
- Meet with Executive Board regularly to keep EB abreast of activities
- Submit conference budget for approval to EB by November 1
- Submit Conclusion of Activity form to CEU Chair at the conclusion of conference
- Secure social event for membership at conference to be held first eve of conference
- Prepare tables and sign displays for exhibitors, CEU chair, Registration, Treasurer, Membership, etc.
- Prepare packets with conference information as well as tourist information
- Order and prepare name badges for pre-registered conference attendees.
- Keep open communication with Treasurer regarding conference registration
- Designate a fee per table for exhibitors
- Enlist student involvement
- Submit to the EB for approval of conference registration fees for members, nonmembers, students, and families
- Assist in the recruitment and training of conference co-chair
Activities/Timeline (annual, monthly, etc.
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- The position is appointed by the President, subject to approval by a majority of the Executive Board.
- The Ethics Chair should be available to follow-up any reported unethical practices of a MSHA member and be willing to commit to the monthly EB Conference calls, as well as the annual Continuing Education Conference.
Activities/Timeline (annual, monthly, etc.)
- The Ethics Chair should be available to attend the annual Continuing Education Conference, the face-to-face EB meeting prior to the Conference, and to participate in the monthly EB Conference call meetings. Ethics questions are handled whenever they are brought to the attention of MSHA. After a possible ethics issue is reported to the Licensure division of the State Board of Health, MSHA has no control over the promptness in resolving a complaint.
Officers/committee chairs with whom this person most frequently collaborates?
- MSHA President who has helped to keep me informed of any ASHA meetings (ex. Webinar on Ethics and School Practices) that would be helpful for MSHA. If an ethics issue/complaint is reported, the MSHA President is immediately consulted. It is also possible that the past president and president-elect would be informed, but the president would make that decision.
Travel Expectations:
- The expense of the MSHA Continuing Education Conference is the Ethics Chair’s responsibility. If a face-to-face is called (other than at Conference time), then MSHA pays mileage and hotel expenses.
The Honors Chair’s primary purpose is to oversee the Association’s recognition of exemplar members. The Honors Chair will guide the Honors Committee through the nomination, election, and reception processes. The Honors Committee shall have at least three additional active MSHA members in good standing. The Honors Chair shall collaborate with the Conference Chairs, under the leadership of the Executive Board, to plan and implement the Honors Event at the annual Mississippi-Speech-Language-Hearing-Association Continuing Education Conference.
The Honors Chair shall be appointed by the current President Elect in anticipation of the upcoming conference during the President’s Elect’s Presidential year.
At the minimum, the Honors Chair shall:
- Collaborate with the Conference Chair(s) to plan and implement the Honors Event, including all applicable financial components (see Honors Event description).
- Recruit and oversee the function of the Honors Committee- all committee members must be MSHA members in good standing and current fully paid membership.
- Prior to conference contact all MS universities with a Speech-Language-Pathology and/or Audiology program (it is recommended that the Honors Chair contact the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association, NSSHLA, advisor at each university). Each university may nominate a student nearing completion of their perspective master or doctoral level program (if the university does not have a higher degree program but does have a bachelor’s degree, this program will be included). Each student winner will be recognized during the Honors Event at the MSHA Conference and awarded a scholarship.
- Prior to conference, the Honors Committee may review the nomination procedures and nomination packet, making any revisions needed prior to the nomination window being opened. Any proposed revisions shall be reviewed by the Executive Board for approval.
- Upon finalization of all nomination procedures and packets, the Honors Chair shall notify the membership via electronic and/or other forms of media that nominations are open for MSHA awards of outstanding professionals in Communication Sciences. The nomination window will be open for a set 30 days to be determined by the Honors Chair and Committee. These awards include: 1) Outstanding School Clinician 2) Clinical Achievement and 3) Honors of the Association. All nominators and nominees must be MSHA members in good standing with current fully paid membership. All nominations shall be sent to the Honors Chair MSHA email and nomination packets will be collected by the Chair.
- When the nomination window has closed, the Honors Committee shall review all nomination packets and determine the most highly qualified person in each category based on the packet. The Honors Chair may determine the most transparent and ethical voting method for determining each categories’ winner. This may include, darkening out the nominees’ names and other identifiable information, using a rubric, traditional voting system, etc. The Honors Chair shall not vote unless there is a need for a tiebreaker, where then the Honors Chair may cast the final vote to determine a winner. In the case that a nomination category does not have a nominee, the committee may propose to forgo that award for the year or extend the voting window in that subarea. The Honors Committee should collaborate with the Conference Chair(s) and seek approval of the Executive Board. Additionally, in the case that only one nomination is made for an award and the Honors Committee does not support the nominee and has determined that the nominee is not a strong or worthy candidate based on the nomination packet, the Committee may reserve the right to forgo the award to maintain the integrity and rigor of the award.
- The Honors Chair shall collaborate with the Conference Chair(s) to determine budget, etc (budget will be previously set by the Executive Board for the current fiscal year). The Honors Chair shall select an awards company of their discretion and choose appropriate trophies, plagues, etc. that will be given to all professional award winners at the Conference Honors Event. An additional award will be needed for the Immediate Past President. Also, framed certificates may be made by the Honors Chair to present to each student winner (this is in addition to their scholarship).
- The Honors Chair must notify the Vice-President: Finance, with a copy to the Executive Director, prior to conference of the cost associated with all awards to ensure reimbursement or payment is secured. All previously mentioned items come from the Honors Chair Budget, as dictated by the current annual fiscal budget.
- At the annual MSHA Continuing Education Conference, each professional winner shall be recognized at the Honors Event with a plague or some type of distinguished award. The Honors Event may include a script and/or slideshow written by the Honors Chair to highlight the professional accomplishments of each winner, both professional and student. While the Honors Chair may read and narrate the awards ceremony, the President shall physically give the awards to each winner and pose for pictures. The Honors Chair is responsible for ordering and preparing all awards in advance (see previous bullet point). The current President may wish to speak on behalf of the MSHA membership to recognize the accomplishments of the Immediate Past President during the presentation of the award. Timeline and sequence of the Honors Event, along with any other duties expected at the Honors Event, should be discussed with the Conference Chair’s prior to the conference and prepared in advance.
- Following Conference, the Honors Chair may nominate the recipient of the Outstanding School Clinician and Clinical Achievement winners for an ASHA Foundation Award. The Outstanding School Clinician has traditionally been nominated for the Rolland J. Van Hattum Award and the Clinical Achievement has been nominated for Louis M. DiCarlo Award. Every year, the Honors Chair should review ASHA and the ASHA Foundation’s criteria for award nominees to update this procedure as needed.
- Following conference, the Honors Chair shall submit each student winner and MSHA member award winners’ name and picture to the MSHA webmaster to be posted on the MSHA website.
Job Summary (According to the MSHA Bylaws)
- The position is appointed by the President, subject to approval by a majority of the Executive Board.
- The Legislative Chair should be willing to commit to the scheduled EB meetings, as well as the annual Continuing Education Conference.
- The Legislative Chair shall be the primary liaison between the MSHA Lobbyist and Executive Board.
- The Legislative Chair is responsible for tracking all legislation introduced that relates to speech-language pathology and/or audiology, and for tracking that legislation throughout the session (Bill Tracking provided by the MSHA Lobbying Firm).
- The Legislative Chair is the primary coordinator for Legislative Day.
Activities/Timeline (annual, monthly, etc.)
- The Legislative Chair should be available to attend the annual Continuing Education Conference, the face-to-face EB meeting prior to the Conference, and to participate in the scheduled EB meetings.
- Legislative questions are handled whenever they are brought to the attention of MSHA.
- The Legislative Chair should work with the MSHA EB to identify legislative priorities in the Fall of each year, one for speech-language pathology and one for audiology.
- The Legislative Chair is the primary responsible party for introduction of new legislation, and shall work with the MSHA Lobbyist, President, and EB on introducing new bills.
- The work of the Legislative Chair and Committee will follow the legislative calendar, with session beginning in January and concluding in April.
- Officers/committee chairs with whom this person most frequently collaborates
- The Legislative Chair reports directly to the MSHA President.
- The Legislative Chair collaborates with the appropriate EB Vice Presidents for legislative that impact specific settings (i.e., Medicaid, VP: Healthcare).
- The Legislative Chair may coordinate with the ASHA state liaison or other ASHA staff at the designation of the President regarding legislation.
Travel Expectations
- The expense of the MSHA Continuing Education Conference is the Legislative Chair’s responsibility.
Job Summary (According to MSHA Bylaws)
- The primary function of this office is promotion of MSHA membership.
- Obtain Mississippi State Department of Health and Mississippi Department of Education professionals list(s) of those who are nonmembers of MSHA.
- Collaborate with Universities Chair to obtain student email lists from speech and hearing programs at state universities.
- Create and send an annual eblast to nonmembers of MSHA.
- With Universities Chair, create and send an annual eblast to MSHA student members.
- Create and send renewal notices to MSHA members as to their need to renew their expired or potentially expiring memberships.
- Create and send an online welcome letter to new members.
- Collaborate with the Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing regarding updates to the website messages on an as needed basis.
Universities Chair
- It will be the role of the Membership Chair to appoint a Universities Chair. This person will coordinate with the various state universities to build membership, establishing a faculty and a student representative for MSHA at each site.
- Working collaboratively, the Membership Chair and the Universities Chair will send information to the university communicative disorders programs to establish a connection with NSSLHA members. The benefits of being a member of MSHA as a student and as a professional will be stressed.
Please see duties for this Committee Chair under the Job Description for Past President. The Policy statement for Nominations and Elections provides clarification for the duties of the Nominations Committee Chair.
Legislative Day at the Capitol Policy
Amended October 14, 2013
Amended August 11, 2014
Amended December 2, 2015
- The purpose of the Legislative Day event is to promote the professions and to increase awareness that MSHA is the statewide professional organization for our disciplines. Any Executive Board member, or other MSHA member, who participates in the event should understand that their first and most important role at Legislative Day is to promote the professions and the association. Fact Sheets are provided prior to the event to assist with talking points. References to the MSHA participant’s own place of employment, area of expertise, location, etc., should be secondary to the comments about the professions and the association since the goal is not to promote individual interests. Care should be taken and any questions should be directed to the President and/or Legislative Chair.
- An application has to be made by the Executive Director with the Department of Finance & Administration no more than one year in advance of the desired date.
- The date must be approved by the current President-Elect (President the following year) and Legislative Chair
- After discussion with the President and Legislative Chair, arrangements are made by the Executive Director for any catering, handouts, or mementos given to legislators up to 150 participants. participants.
- An eblast invitation is forwarded to the MSHA Executive Board and the MSHA policy entitled, “Legislative Day at the Capitol” with the Legislative Fact Sheet attached for reference.
- MSHA Board Members are asked to notify the MSHA Legislative Chair, the President, and Executive Director if they plan to attend.
Fact Sheets:
- Fact sheets are provided by the Legislative Chair prior to the event to assist with talking points. Since the goal is to promote MSHA and MSHA’s legislative agenda and not member’s personal interests, references to the participant’s own place of employment, area of expertise, location, etc., should be secondary to the comments about the professions and the association. Care should be taken to prevent inserting any personal agenda and any unanswered questions should be directed to the President and/or the Legislative Chair.
- MSHA has a display and a tall retractable banner available that can be used for Legislative Day. It is kept in the MSHA storage shed and arrangements need to be made each year for pick-up and set-up coordinated by the Executive Director or as determined by the President. Brochures, tablecloths, and display racks are to be discussed and arranged in advance.
- The data base of legislators is to be kept current by the Executive Director. One month prior to legislative day and 1 week before legislative day, the invitation to visit the MSHA display in the Capitol Rotunda on XXX date is transmitted to all legislators and statewide elected officials. An email invitation is also forwarded to all MSHA members inviting them to participate with the understanding they will individually invite their own legislators.
MSHA Participation:
- Executive Board members and the Executive Director are encouraged to attend and to participate, with associated charges debited to their line item. The Executive Director should make available identification badges for EB members, who are also expected to have available their MSHA business cards for pick-up.
- The Legislative Chair and President may coordinate with the University Chair to promote student participation in MSHA Legislative Day. Student participation will be limited to 5 per program.
- The Executive Director is expected to provide payment for catering onsite and to have available travel reimbursement forms and checks for EB members that day. Participation expenses incurred by the general MSHA membership are not reimbursed.
Lifetime Membership Policy
Adopted February 19, 2014
Regarding MSHA awarding Life Membership status to MSHA.
BASIS: MSHA Bylaws, Article III, Section A, d.
- Members who have attained the age of 65 and have been a member for the five consecutive years preceding age 65 may receive Life membership by written request to the Executive Board. Life members are exempt from dues and have the right to vote and to be an officer.
- Any MSHA member, who has reached the age of 65 and has been a MSHA member for five consecutive years, may make a written application for MSHA Life Membership.
- Upon receipt of the written request, the MSHA Executive Director will verify MSHA membership for the five years, as specified. A copy of the applicant’s driver’s license may also be requested. If the applicant does not meet that eligibility requirement, the Executive Director shall advise the applicant and specify the years of the membership gap(s).
- Once age and membership status have been verified, the request is forwarded to the MSHA President for consideration at the next Executive Board Meeting.
- The Life Membership request must be voted on by the Executive Board.
- If the Life Membership request is accepted, the MSHA President will contact the applicant by telephone or email to let the applicant know the results of the Executive Board decision.
- The Executive Director will then ensure the membership status is posted appropriately, both on the association web page and in the membership database.
Management Firm Contract
Adopted December 11, 2012
Amended January 13, 2014
Amended November 2, 2015
Amended July 20, 2016
MSHA has a policy that the contract for the Management Firm be in place by
December 1 of the year preceding its implementation.
- The management firm contract is a one-year renewable contract with negotiations and signatures completed by December 1 each year.
- If there are financial and/or scope of work changes requiring attention, those shall be submitted to the President for consideration by the management firm or Executive Board members. Any discussion or review should be completed prior to the Annual Budget Planning Meeting (usually set in September). Those changes (if any) are incorporated into the budget planning for the ensuing year and are then voted on by the Executive Board at the following Board Planning Meeting.
- After the Executive Board has voted to accept (or reject) the proposed changes, the President-Elect, who will take office January 1, is to complete negotiations with the management firm, update the contract template, and submit it for a final up-or-down vote by the Executive Board by November 15.
- Any change to the Management Firm Contract that involves a change in compensation may require a Proposed Budget adjustment for the following year.
- Any such change shall require a majority vote by the executive Board.
Management Firm Evaluation:
- A Management Firm Evaluation form shall be distributed to current Executive Board members, the conference chairs, and the executive director before September 1 and returned to the President for collating.
- The evaluations shall be reviewed with the Executive Director, President, President- Elect, and the Past President during a Fall Management Firm Evaluation meeting
- The President shall present a summary of the evaluations verbally to the current and incoming Executive Board at the board meeting following the Management Firm Evaluation meeting. The Executive Director shall have the opportunity to respond, if he/she feels a response is appropriate.
Nominations and Elections to Office
Adopted August 12, 2013
Amended August 11, 2014
Amended September 2018
The Past-President serves as the Chair of the Nominating Committee and will abide by
the guidelines established in MSHA Bylaws, will seek input from another Committee
members, and will be prepared to solicit additional nominations from the floor at the
Annual Convention. It is understood that all nominees must be MSHA members in good
standing and must have expressed a commitment to serve if elected.
- Committee Structure: The Chair will solicit members for the Nominating Committee from the following MSHA disciplines: School-based SLPs, Health SLP Practitioners and Audiologists. There is no maximum number of members serving on the committee, but the minimum number is four, including the Chair.
- Nominee Solicitation: Nominees may be solicited by an e-blast requesting nominations from the Chair to the entire membership (signed as Nominating Committee Chair / Past- President) and personal contacts. If one of the committee members generates a potential nomination, that name and contact information should be given to the Chair for concurrence and follow-up. If possible, more than one nominee should be generated for each open slot.
- Nominee Expectation: The nomination process is closed at midnight the day following the conference business meeting. Both the MSHA Travel Expectations and Conflict of Interest Policies and Procedures should be openly discussed with the nominee before final acceptance of the nomination, by both the nominee and the Chair. All nominees will be asked to submit a brief biographical sketch and photograph to be posted on the web site.
- Election: The election process begins the first Monday following the Annual Conference. The election is held by electronic ballot open only to members. Instructions for voting and relevant deadlines are forwarded when voting opens. These instructions are provided by the MSHA President and signed ________, MSHA President. In the event there is only one nominee for one (or several) of the offices, the election will still be held since the membership needs to exercise the vote and elect the officers. The election will be closed 14 days following the first day of voting.
- Results: When the voting is closed, the MSHA President is advised of the results and contacts all of those who have been elected as well as those who have not. Under no circumstances is the actual vote count made public. After all of the nominees have been advised of their status, the announcement of results is transmitted as an eblast to the membership and signed _______, MSHA President.
Officer Travel Expectations
Passed January 14, 2013
Amended August 11, 2014
Amended November 2, 2015
Amended October 25, 2019
MSHA specifies travel expectations for MSHA Executive Board before and during tenure.
- If an officer or committee chair is expected to attend an event, no expense are reimbursable. The only exception is the waived registration fee for the MSHA Annual Conference. Absences from expected meetings requires prior notification to the presidential committee.
- President — The President is expected to attend at least one CSAP meeting, the MSHA Annual Conference, and is encouraged to attend an ASHA Convention, all of the MSHA Executive Board meetings. The President shall also attend the MSHA Financial Review meeting, when held,(Meeting,) the Budget Planning meeting Banquet Event Orders meeting, Management Firm Evaluation meetings, Legislative Day, and plan and preside in all Executive Board conference calls. Additional duties may include called meetings, requested presence at committee meetings or conference calls, or any events deemed as necessary by the Presidential Committee and Executive Board.
- President-Elect — The President-Elect is expected to attend at least one CSAP meeting, the MSHA Annual Conference, and is encouraged to attend an ASHA Convention, all of the MSHA Executive Board meetings. The President-Elect should also attend the MSHA Financial Review meeting, when held, the Budget Planning meeting, Banquet Event Orders meeting, and Management Firm Evaluation meeting, Legislative Day, and participate in all Executive Board conference calls. In addition, he/she is expected to attend any events deemed as necessary by the Presidential Committee and the Executive Board.
- Past President — The Past President is expected to attend all of the MSHA Executive Board meetings and the annual MSHA Conference, The Past President should also attend the MSHA Financial Review meeting the Budget Planning meeting, and the Management Firm Evaluation meeting, Legislative Day, and participate in all Executive Board conference calls.
- Vice-President: Continuing Education — The Vice-President: Continuing Education is expected to attend all of the MSHA Executive Board meetings, and the annual MSHA Conference, The Vice-President: Continuing Education should also participate in all Executive Board conference calls. Any additional necessary meetings regarding continuing education may be undertaken with the permission of the President.
- Vice-President: Schools — The Vice-President: Schools is expected to attend all MSHA Executive Board meetings and the annual MSHA The Vice- President: Schools should also participate in all Executive Board conference calls. There may be additional called meetings with MDE requiring VP-Schools’ participation that may be undertaken with the permission of the President.
- Vice-President: Public Relations and Marketing — The Vice-President: Public Relations and Marketing is expected to attend all MSHA Executive Board meetings and the annual MSHA Conference. The Vice-President: Public Relations and Marketing should also participate in all Executive Board conference calls. Any necessary additional meetings regarding public relations and marketing may be undertaken with the permission of the President.
- Vice-President: Healthcare — The Vice-President of Healthcare is expected to attend the all MSHA Executive Board meetings and the annual MSHA Conference. The Vice-President of Healthcare should also participate in all Executive Board conference calls. There may be additional meetings with MDH or other healthcare entities that may be undertaken with the permission of the President.
- Vice-President: Audiology — The Vice-President of Audiology is expected to all MSHA Executive Board meetings and the annual MSHA Conference. The Vice-President of Audiology should also participate in all Executive Board conference calls. Any necessary additional meetings regarding audiology may be undertaken with the permission of the President.
Record Retention and Destruction Policy
Adopted August 11, 2014
- The purpose of this policy statement is to allow the Mississippi Speech Language-Hearing Association (MSHA) to identify, retain, store, and dispose of the Association’s records in an appropriate, legally sound, and orderly manner.
- Except as otherwise indicated, documents shall be retained for the number of years indicated in Part B.
- The Association is to maintain complete, accurate and high-quality records in local, damage- proof storage for the duration of the time periods provided for in this policy. Once any such time period is complete, the records are to be destroyed.
- The MSHA Past-President shall be responsible for authorizing, overseeing, and ensuring that records are destroyed pursuant to this policy.
- Care should be taken to retain any records or correspondence deemed to have potential archival or historical significance to the association.
General Corporate Records of Articles of Incorporation and amendments thereto – Permanently
- Bylaws – Permanently
- Meeting Minutes-Permanently
- End-of-year trial balances, tax records, Financial Reviews – Permanently
- Membership ballots electronic record 3 years following the applicable vote
- Membership applications Membership term, plus 1 year
- Correspondence relating to member discipline matters – Permanently
- Employment contracts - Term, plus 3 years
- Contract earnings - Contract term plus 3 years
- Job evaluations: Contract term plus 3 years
- Insurance policies – Permanently
Letters to Be Kept One to Three Years
- Memoranda and reports about expense accounts after the voucher is approved.
- Letters to which members or others may make reference for more than a year.
- Electronic mail (“Email”) and any files attached thereto, provided that the subject matter of such Email and/or attached files are not covered by some other provision of this policy.
Letters to Be Kept for the Life of the Principal Document that It Supports
- Letters that constitute all or part of a contract or that are important in the clarification of certain points in a contract.
- Letters denying liability of the Association.
- Other letters which the Association might need to produce in court to disprove liability or to enforce rights of the Association.
Electronic Mail (“Email”)
- Email and any files attached thereto (unless otherwise specified, 90 days).
Financial verification documents
- Invoices and associated/attached vouchers — 3 years
- Final, approved budgets — 7 years
Request Forms
Eblast Request Form
Requested by:
Date Requested:
Send Date:
Repeat Dates:
Eblast Subject: MSHA Advocacy
Eblast Body:
Eblast Sender:
Preferred Audience:
(Members, Auds, SLPs, Whole Database, etc.)
Approved by:
Date Approved:
Social Media Request Form
Requested by:
Post by date:
Content of post:
Complete and e-mail this form to [email protected] along with any graphics/video you would like to accompany your post. Please understand that content may be edited to ensure a consistent voice across MSHA’s social media platforms and/or to comply with platform parameters.
Travel Reimbursement Form
Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
Purpose of Travel: ____________________________________________________
Mileage From: _______________________ To: _______________________
Total Miles Round Trip: ___________ x .535 cents per mile
Taxi: $__________
Hotel: $ _________
Parking: $________
Air Travel: $______
Meals: $__________
Other: $__________
Total Amount Requested : ________________________
Signature: ______________________________________ Date:____________________
Preferred Mailing address for reimbursement: ______________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________State ______________________
ZIP code______________________________________________________________
Please mail form and receipts to
P.O 22664
Jackson, MS 39225
Mid Year Report
- Primary Accomplishments to Date:
- Plan/Direction for the remainder of the year:
President Elect
Past President
VP: Continuing
VP: School Issues
VP: Healthcare
VP: Public Relations &
VP: Audiology
VP: Finance
Year End Report
- Primary Accomplishments to Date:
- Plan/Direction for the remainder of the year:
President Elect
Past President
VP: Continuing
VP: School Issues
VP: Healthcare
VP: Public Relations &
VP: Audiology
VP: Finance